ESG champion roles within the investment team have been established for each sector
The following additional responsibilities apply to this role, beyond the general integration of ESG consideration in credit risk assessment required by all members of the investment team:
- Review of ESG risks related to each investment proposed to the Investment Committee.
- Continuing education and awareness of the evolving ESG landscape and issues reflected in the individual’s annual training register.
- Ownership of the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) developments and responsibility for the annual PRI reporting submission process.
ESG formally incorporated into individual performance discussions, forming part of variable remuneration of all members of the investment team
It carries relatively higher weight in the performance assessment and variable remuneration of nominated ESG champions.
Strengthened guidelines on ESG considerations
Each portfolio manager focusing on individual Environmental, Social and Governance factors, resulting in enhanced integration of ESG factors within the investment process.
An expanded suite of ESG tools available to portfolio managers
Including external tools and resources which complement Revolution’s internal capability.
An increased level of engagement with company management/borrowers with respect to ESG-related matters
This is in respect to ESG-related matters, resulting in enhanced transparency and oversight.
A broadening of negative screens and related exclusions
This is consistent with Revolution’s corporate social responsibility and capital stewardship philosophy.
The formation and release of Revolution’s statement on Climate Change and Modern Slavery
This reflects analysis involved in the investment process with respect to these matters.
For more information visit the Sustainability page or contact us.